children, teething


Teething in children is considered one of the most difficult periods for the mother, especially if this is her first experience with motherhood. Although the symptoms of teething – vomiting, high temperature and redness of the eye – may be known at this stage, doctors warn against neglecting the child and dealing with what is happening as (normal) because other diseases may have the same symptoms, such as gastroenteritis.

Doctors say: Healthy children appear without any illness but a slight malaise and slight disturbance during the night, unlike weak children, whose teething may be accompanied by severe symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea or convulsions, severe sleep disturbance and frequent crying. Others also suffer from sore throat or The nose, vomiting and diarrhea, even a common cold, and every time a tooth erupts, the child experiences the same symptoms.Dr. Fouad Tantawi, a pediatrician consultant, points out that these symptoms disappear suddenly with the appearance of teeth up to 12 months. And often the mother notices weeks before the appearance of the teeth: an increase in the secretion of saliva in her child and his growing desire to bite, and he stays away from food, especially with the heat in the summer, and he cannot bear difficult meals, and this may be accompanied by (rubbing in the eyes) and scratching the scalp and ears, As well as waking up more than once at night.

Dr. Sayed Moussalli, Pediatric Consultant, refers to the symptoms of teething, the duration of which varies from one child to another, but in general, this stage is accompanied by a weakness in the immune system, and some symptoms are watery with a pungent odor, accompanied by colic and vomiting, and the temperature rises in microbial cases, and cases lead Severe dehydration requires oral or intravenous solutions, so diarrhea should not be considered a symptom of teething only.

When does teething begin?

Teething occurs in children after they reach the fifth month or more, and rarely occurs before this age. The eruption of the primary teeth (20 teeth) is completed during the first three years of a child’s life.

Parents do not have to worry if the growth of their child’s teeth is delayed after he reaches the seventh or eighth month, as Dr. Tariq Raneh, a consultant in dental medicine and surgery at Nahj Al-Taqwa Dental Center says: A child may reach my first year and not have teeth in his mouth for genetic reasons, or because his teeth did not appear outside the gums It was buried under it. Some diseases cause a delay in the growth of the child’s teeth, such as porous bone disease, or as

These teeth cause any harm, and may even disappear with the passage of time due to the pressure arising from breastfeeding, and then reappear again at the specified time.

Teething pain

We can relieve your child’s teething pain with the least effort. Dr. Tarek Ranna advises you to take the following steps:

  • Wrap a piece of cloth around your finger and pass it over your child’s gums to remove bacteria stuck to the gums, and facilitate tooth extraction.Children prefer to rub their gums with something hard, give a bite of biscuit or a bite to help him get rid of irritation. The gums.The teether should be cool, so keep it in the refrigerator.Consult your doctor about some pain-relieving and tooth-growing medications.Be your child To your doctor if symptoms become severe.Always remember that proper feeding of a child leads to the normal growth of his teeth.
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