baby names, pregnancy

Modern names for Muslim boys with their meanings

Hello happy parents! Both of you must be very excited to meet your precious baby, right? In particular, you mother, your pregnancy will now reach its final stage. In no time, your little star will be in your arms. We know for sure that it will be the best moment of your life. But in the midst of planning and preparing for your baby’s arrival, choosing a name will become a secondary task.

Sure, you might be thinking that we can find out the name once the naming party arrives. But why wait until then? You can easily avoid the hustle and find baby names with their meaning, right here!

Before diving into the boy name search, you and your partner will need to finalize the alphabet. Since this will be a very personal decision, you can also involve your relatives and loved ones in the process. There are so many amazing names out there – that it can be hard to pick one. So, be sure to shortlist your favorite names and then make a choice.

The process of choosing a name for your child can be a bit of a difficult task. So, to help you out, we have prepared some tips:

• Choose names that honor your culture

• Refrain from using names that may be part of passing trends

• Choose a name that honors your loved one

• What does the name mean?

To help you further, we have curated a list of Muslim male baby names. The list also emphasizes the meaning of each name, making the search process easier.

meaning of the nameMale names of children
who exudes perfection; ExcellenceIhsan
Who has a good lifeAiash
Who lives in eternal peaceInes
Generous, superior and honorableFadl
Handsome and youthfulGhassan
Good-faced, graceful codJamil
Friend and companionNadim

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