Online store terms and conditions

It is a contractual agreement to regulate the relationship between the online store and users, as it clarifies the rights and obligations of the parties to this contractual relationship and regulates everything related to access and entry to and ways of using the store, and a violation, breach or non-compliance with the terms of this agreement is a violation of the principle of agreement between the two parties.

The importance of terms and policies for the online store?

  • Give priority to the store and the site in the results of search engines.
  • Inform users of the importance of these policies to ensure their rights and know their duties.
  • Adjust the sales process within the online store.
  • The possibility of obtaining the rights of the owner of the online store or the user in the event of any error or if the terms and conditions are not applied.

Who is responsible for formulating the policies, terms and conditions of the sites:

To answer this question depends on the type of activity or field of the site or store, and there are two ways::

The first method:

  • It varies according to the activity of the website.
  • In the event that the site is concerned with health activities, such as the sites of hospitals and private clinics, and contains patients’ health data.
  • In the event that the sites belong to traditional or electronic banks or money transfer or exchange companies, and these sites contain financial data, he must formulate their own policies in cooperation with legal specialists or lawyers familiar with the law due to their importance and sensitivity.
  • In the event that the site is an online store, these policies are formulated by people specialized in the field of e-commerce or the work team, and the laws of other similar sites can be used with changing some items to suit your site or store and not copy and paste all the items as eي.
  • In the event that these sites are blogs or forums that are limited to posting opinions or asking questions, these sites depend mainly on the privacy policy, because users put their data and personal information on the site such as name, phone number, and e-mail, which are user-specific data and need protection and do not Any other party has the right to view or use it without the user’s consent. You can write some lines explaining this policy by the owner of the blog or by a specialist in writing, as it does not require much effort to formulate it .
  • The second method: It is websites specialized in formulating policies, conditions and legal writings according to the activity of each site, and these sites download these forms and upload them to the site with the possibility of changing some data, and this method is very easy, but its problem is that these policies are not issued in Arabic If the site whose policies are to be formulated is in Arabic, then you will have to resort to translation offices to translate these policies accurately and correctly, which is generally not difficult.

Many policies fall under the terms and policies, including: Terms and Conditions or what is known as the use policy, privacy policy, warranty policy, return policy, payment policy and shipping policy.

First: Terms and Conditions

It is a set of terms or conditions that govern the parties to the contractual relationship in the online store, which takes place over the Internet. It clarifies the rights, obligations and duties of both the owner and owner of the online store and the users.

This type of policy includes all items related to use and everything related to the objectives and activity of the site or store, the way an electronic account works on the store, and the controls that govern the use of your account, and it also contains store details, whether small or large, so as not to leave any room for any occurrence Abuses or disputes between the two parties that harm them or any other parties, the way and how to communicate with the store, licenses, and all the company’s guarantees, in addition to shipping details and information, such as the name of the shipping company and shipping period, shipping address, and information such as the possibility of exchange or return within a certain period if possible, There you will also find a way to protect you from fraud as a user or buyer and the currencies in which the site or online store deals in the purchase process.

These terms consist of different terms that differ in the nature and activity of each store, and the most important of them are the following: Introduction to these terms, description of the service offered in the store, how to access the store and the equipment necessary for access, approval and membership, conditions for registering an account, legitimate and prohibited uses while using the store, and guarantees obligations, disclaimers, indemnification, and intellectual property rights including copyright, trademarks, advertising, electronic newsletters, third party external links, force majeure, modifications and changes to these Terms, the duration and manner of termination of use, and various terms including the entire agreement, security, portability, Confidentiality, waiver, and contact information.

Importance of terms and conditions

The importance of the terms and conditions for the online store is limited to:

  • Organizing the work of the store and defining rights and duties: through it, you can determine the general controls for use and what is allowed for the user to benefit from it, as well as what allows the use and benefit of the information he shares with you.Reducing violations: These conditions help deter various electronic violations, including, but not limited to:
    Publishing illegal content or aimed at promoting illegal practices and activities.
  • Posting content that is harmful to users or any other parties.
  • Use the Site in an illegal and fraudulent manner or spread malware and viruses that harm the normal functioning of the Store.
  • Publishing material or content that harms the trademarks of the store or its owners and partners.Attacking, impersonating and stealing other users’ accounts or infringing their identity.
  • Ownership rights: These conditions help document the intellectual and legal rights of the store owners. Users may not illegally exploit, steal, or attribute them to themselves.
  • Limitation of Liability: The terms and conditions regulate the limits of liability between you as the owner of the store and the users, as they define the responsibilities and rights of the merchant towards customers, the responsibilities and rights of customers towards the online store, the limits for controlling and tracking transactions made through the online store, the limits of using and accessing customer information, and the limits The content of the site, whether by sharing or modifying it. When setting limits of liability between you and users, you do not assume any responsibility or liability if customers share their personal information with another user,Also, we do not bear any responsibility if a buyer returns or exchanges items that do not comply with the terms of return and exchange. But in return, you are obligated to settle and resolve disputes and disagreements that occur to the customer, and you are also committed to the process of shipping and delivering the products on time, and you are also obligated to provide a product to customers that agrees with the details that have been published on the store, and refund the amounts to their owners if there is an error in the provided product, And provide protection for customer data from exposure to theft and penetration.
  • Maintaining the security and privacy of transaction information and data: Users may share some information and data related to purchasing transactions, or data about logging in when completing orders through the online store, and this data is of very special importance, so legalization of use and limits on the use of that information must be established. Many customers want to feel secure that their data is being used in a legitimate way and is not disclosed or leaked to other undeclared parties or parties, so you must specify in detail the limits of using this data, and the terms that you abide by to preserve their privacy, and it is better for the customer And his brand image when these terms are legally formulated in a clear, smooth and easy-to-understand manner..